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N.º ADI #:02076-001 modelo #: 02076-001 Nombre: AXIS T94N02D Pendant Kit for P3715-PLVE for Mounting on 1.5" NPS Threaded Brackets
Compatible with P3715-PLVE
1.5" NPS threaded brackets
Descripción del producto
General Información
An indoor/ outdoor pendant kit for mounting a camera on 1.5" NPS threaded brackets. The kit allows AXIS P3715-PLVE Network Cameras to be mounted on poles, parapets and outer corners using many AXIS T91 mounting accessories.
Main Features
Compatible withP3715-PLVE
1.5" NPS threaded brackets
Características principales
Fits on poles, parapets, and outer corners
For mounting on 1.5? NPS threaded brackets
Categoría : Carcasas y soportes, Productos, Tapas colgantes para cámaras de vigilancia, Video vigilancia