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Safety Technology Int. RP-GD2-02 Egress Other Reset Point-Green-Dual Moun
N.º ADI #:RP-GD2-02 modelo #: RP-GD2-02 Nombre: Safety Technology Int. RP-GD2-02 Egress Other Reset Point-Green-Dual Moun
Positive activation that mimics the feel of breaking glass,
Visible warning flag confirms activation,
Simple key to reset operating element - no broken glass,
Descripción del producto
General Información
The 'ReSet' is a unique manual call point that simulates break glass activation whilst offering the user the benefits of a re-settable operating element.
Características principales
Positive activation that mimics the feel of breaking glass,
Visible warning flag confirms activation,
Simple key to reset operating element - no broken glass,